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It was the late 1990s when Gail Sfeir attended her first Martin House volunteer meeting. She knew at that time it was going to be a significant project for the City of Buffalo, and today she’s proud to report that she’s been a part of the team throughout every phase of restoration.

Gail was born in South Buffalo – “The Valley” – and attended Buffalo State College, where she earned her Special Education degree. While her husband was in medical school, they lived for a short time in Kentucky before heading back to the city she loves. She taught in the Buffalo City Schools for nine years before taking time away from her career to manage the schedule of three active sons.

After a “tour of Buffalo” while hosting a foreign exchange student, she learned more about the planned restoration of the Martin House and knew she had to get involved. After completing her docent training, Gail quickly realized her skills made her the perfect person to provide administrative support and serve as a special events coordinator.

When it was time to re-enter the workforce, Gail joined the Guest Services team for nearly ten years as a member of the Martin House staff. After retiring in 2018, she jumped back into her volunteer shoes and continues to greet our guests from all over the world.

What has kept Gail involved for 22 years? “I love the project and what’s it done for the city. I believe the Martin House restoration was the impetus for Buffalo’s reputation as an architectural destination.”

Notable moment? “During a volunteer breakfast years ago, I was able to walk on the concrete base of the pergola before the structure was rebuilt. I still remember the tears that filled my eyes.”

Thank you to Gail for her many years of welcoming visitors to the Martin House.

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