We Remain Committed to Your Safety
With your help, we can provide a safe and memorable experience. Thank you in advance for respecting and adhering to our guidelines.
What We Are Doing
- Requiring face masks for staff, volunteers, and guests inside all buildings and on our grounds
- Face masks must cover each individual’s nose and mouth to protect others
- Maintaining reduced tours sizes to follow guidelines
- Enhancing cleaning procedures, in accordance with CDC guidelines, with increased frequency
- Performing a deep cleaning every evening
- Conducting daily health screenings of staff, volunteers, and vendors
- Providing personal protective equipment for employees
- Installing hand sanitizer stations for guest and employee use
- We have signed Visit Buffalo Niagara’s Buffalo Cares pledge, a shared commitment to take necessary precautions for everyone to stay safe while following recommended health guidelines.
- For information specific to the Museum Store, visit our store info page.
How You Can Help
We look forward to welcoming you to the Martin House. To help us keep everyone safe, we ask that you please:
- Wear a face mask that covers your nose and mouth inside all buildings and on our grounds
- If you do not have an appropriate face mask, we will provide one for you.
- Follow CDC guidelines for social distancing and hand washing
- Stay home if you are ill or exhibiting symptoms of flu or COVID-19
- Allow ample space for social distancing in public spaces
- Pay by credit or debit card
- Leave large bags, backpacks, and luggage in your car
- Per NYS guidelines, we are required to maintain a trace log for all visitors, and all guests will be asked to confirm contact information upon arrival.
Lastly, an inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any public place where people are present. By visiting the Martin House, you voluntarily assume risk related to exposure. With your help and adherence to our policies, that risk will be reduced to an acceptable level.
Download our complete Covid-19 Reopening Safety Plan. If you have any questions, please contact us at info@martinhouse.org or (716) 856-3858.
Thank you,
Mary Roberts, Executive Director