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Funding for Schools

Don’t let funding be a barrier for planning a Martin House education experience for your students.

For schools in New York State:

The “Connect Kids to Parks” program is designed to encourage teachers to bring their students to New York State parks and historic sites. The program will reimburse up to $1,000 per class for transportation, tolls, and fees to the Martin House.

There is an online application to complete prior to the trip, and a few simple steps once the experience has occurred to request reimbursement. Find all of the information at the New York State website.

For schools in Western New York:

Transportation funding support for school learning trips to our site is available in partnership with the Niagara Frontier Automobile Dealers Association.

Funds are limited, so we encourage you to contact us at for more information.

Connect with our Education Team

Please complete the form below or call 716.856.3858 ext. 406.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Please note that we schedule in-person education tours on the half-hour (eg. 9:30 am or 2:30 pm).